Tell us a little bit about your photography - where are you based and what type of photography do you currently enjoy?
In only a couple of words, how would you describe your style of photography?

Tell us about one of your most memorable photoshoots or perhaps a favourite photo you have taken?

As a photographer, nurturing your creativity while trying to balance self employment and life can be a little tricky sometimes. Where do you find the inspiration to continue creating and maintaining consistency?

Having grown as a photographer, is there any piece of advice that you could give to yourself when you first started down this path, or wish you had known sooner?

Is there anything special you have been working on - mentoring, workshops, courses etc. We'd love to let other photographers know!

What gear are you currently using and what would you typically carry in your Kamrette camera bag?
I love my Lyra Kamrette bag! So much that I think I might buy one of the hand bags soon to carry some extra stuff like lighting equipment. Right now I fit two Canon 5D Mark IV 's, a Canon 35mm 1.4LII, Canon 24-70mm 2.8 LII, a Canon 85mm 1.4 L , two speed-lights, SD Cards, and batteries. There is plenty of room to also add my laptop, a notebook, and external hard drive if needed. I love it and highly recommend!
Let's finish it off with a fan favourite - if you could only have one lens, which one would you choose?
I love my Canon 35mm 1.4! I have shot entire weddings with in in my early days. It is so crisp and creates beautiful images.