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Salty Travellers

Salty Travellers

@saltytravellers | Salty Travellers

Tell us a little bit about yourself - where are you based and what have you been enjoying lately?

We're a couple who seek endless adventures across Australia and live between the ocean and the open road. Curious for new experiences, we took a chance to follow our dream and live a little out of the ordinary. Our passion is to explore the wide open spaces of our homeland, embracing the changing seasons and camping amongst Mother Nature's wild landscapes. 

Forever wandering in our Troopy, we love to capture the incredible places Australia has to offer and the little moments that often go unseen. Specifically sharing our memories through photography and personal expression, we hope our stories inspire others to enjoy the outdoors and appreciate the natural beauty this country has to offer.

 In only a couple of words, how would you describe your style of photography?

Adventure & Landscapes 

Tell us about one of your most memorable photoshoots or perhaps a favourite photo you have taken?

There are so many special memories that we've shared but if we had to choose one favourite photo, it would have to be a moment we experienced at Emma Gorge in El Questro Wilderness Park. We had just completed the Gibb River Road and ran into car troubles. A week of stressful and expensive repairs had us feeling down. We were almost going to skip this spot due to us having to backtrack 45mins after getting our car back. But something told us we just had to go back and check it out. We were so glad we did as this was one of the most beautiful places we had ever seen and we had it all to ourselves. We couldn't help but get a sneaky self timer shot! 

Having grown as a photographer, is there any piece of advice that you could give to yourself when you first started down this path, or wish you had known sooner?

Don't hold back on the things you want to achieve or the places you want to see! You never know what you might be able to capture. 

What gear are you currently using and what would you typically carry in your Kamrette camera bag?

We don't travel without our Canon 5D Mark iv and our DJI Air 2S Drone

Let's finish it off with a fan favourite - if you could only have one lens, which one would you choose?

Definitely couldn't live without our Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. It's our absolute go to during our travels! 

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